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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Row of wooden tooth shapes, one of which is being pulled out of the row by dental pliers.When your tooth suffers decay, infection, cavity, or trauma, the first thing a dentist will do is try to save it. However, there are times when saving a tooth is not attainable. If removing an infected or damaged tooth seems to be the healthiest option, our team at East Portland Dentistry will safely pull that tooth out. Sometimes, even when a tooth can be saved, there may be other problems that necessitate its removal. Extraction of a restorable tooth may be necessary for reasons such as preserving the health of surrounding teeth, excessive crowding, or leveling of the bite for maximum function. Our dental professionals will walk you through the process, giving you options so you can make the best decisions for your own oral health.

Tooth Extraction Process

Many people fear tooth extraction, but you do not have to fret over the removal of a tooth. Dentists are able to extract teeth gently, quickly, and safely. Better still, we offer anxiety medications or sedation to help you relax when the tooth is gently being pulled out.

Often there are two forms of extractions. One is called a simple extraction, and comes out with minimal trauma or difficulty. We gently push on the tooth, then rock it side to side until it releases from the socket. Once we remove the tooth, we clean the area and put on a gauze pad to stop bleeding.

Another form of extraction is surgical removal, which is more detailed and complex. If, for instance, a tooth is impacted, it cannot be pulled in the same way as happens with a visible tooth. Our dental team will need to access the tooth by pushing open the gums surrounding the tooth. Sometimes, the dentist may have to trim away other bone tissue to gain full access to the particular tooth needing to be removed. After accessing it, the dentist elevates and precisely removes all the small root pieces. When the tooth is removed, we clean the area and put back the gingival flap. We place sutures if needed and then treat the area with gauze to slow bleeding.

The Recovery

You will experience soreness for a few days. There may also be swelling in the area of the extracted tooth. However, soreness and swelling are perfectly natural, so you may want to take a painkiller and place an ice pack or a cold compress on the face near the area of the extracted tooth. Choose soft foods that do not need chewing so that you avoid hurting the wound. You should be able to reintroduce solid foods back into your diet after a few days but be cautious. Our dentist will provide aftercare tips to observe at home. Brushing and flossing should be a priority, but you should avoid the site of extraction for the first few days to avoid dislodging the clot.

To get your tooth extracted, visit us at East Portland Dentistry or call us at (971) 484-1652 to book your appointment. Tooth removal has never been easier and painless when done by our dental professionals.

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(971) 484-1652


Monday – 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday – 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Thursday – 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday – 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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East Portland Dentistry, 9 NE 120th Ave, Portland, OR 97220 • (971) 484-1652 • • 10/8/2024 • Tags: dentist Portland OR •