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Restorative Dentistry

Bearded white patient checking out his handsome smile in a mirror while sitting in a dental chairAt East Portland Dentistry, our goal is to prevent dental problems before they occur. Unfortunately, this is not always possible due to poor oral hygiene, genetics, infrequent checkups, and other risk factors. This is why we strive to excel at restorative dentistry. Our restorative services are designed to improve the function and aesthetics of your smile, as well as your overall oral health.

Dental Filling

Dental fillings are the best way to restore minor to moderate instances of tooth decay. Most fillings these days consist of a material known as composite resin. Composite resin is an aesthetically-pleasing material that we color-match to the existing shade of your enamel. For this reason, a composite filling is virtually indistinguishable from the rest of your tooth. We do offer other filling material choices that may be better suited to your individual needs and will happily discuss these with you at your dental exam.

Dental Crown

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that improves the structure and cosmetics of a damaged or decayed tooth. During the procedure, your tooth must be completely reshaped to accommodate the shape of the crown. Once the tooth is reshaped, we will permanently bond the crown to the dentin using a special adhesive. Many crowns are fabricated these days with zirconium, due to their unmatched aesthetics, biocompatibility, and strength, but we do offer a variety of crown materials depending on each unique situation.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a tooth replacement that typically consists of two dental crowns linked together by a pontic, or false tooth. A traditional bridge is supported by the two surrounding teeth, known as abutment teeth, that we reshape to receive the crowns. A bridge can also be supported by a series of dental implants if multiple adjacent teeth are missing. If you are missing a tooth, a bridge will prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of their proper position.

Dental Implant

A dental implant is a small titanium post that we surgically embed into the jawbone. The implant serves as the root component of a prosthetic tooth. Once the implant is in place, it will fuse to the bone during the process of osseointegration. Osseointegration allows the implant to support a restoration against the most strong forces of your bite. For this reason, dental implants are widely considered to be the next best thing to your natural teeth.


A denture is a removable prosthesis that is usually used to replace all teeth that are missing in an upper or lower arch. A partial denture is used to replace one or more missing teeth and attaches to the surrounding teeth with metal clasps or acrylic. A complete denture consists of a flesh-colored acrylic base that supports a complete arch of prosthetic teeth. We offer custom-fit dentures as a more comfortable, functional, and durable solution.

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and onlays are ideal for areas of decay too large for a filling, but not large enough to require the placement of a dental crown. The restoration is considered an inlay if it is placed within the occlusal (bite) surface of a tooth. The restoration is considered an onlay if it extends beyond one or more of the occlusal cusps.

Tooth Extraction

At times a tooth becomes damaged to the point of causing pain or abscess. Other teeth simply do not have enough room to fit into the existing jawbone. An extraction of a tooth may be necessary. Some teeth can be removed with a simple in-office procedure with local anesthetic. At times it is necessary to surgically remove a tooth, or even see a specialist. We will discuss each case individually with our patients, determining the best treatment for each person.

Root Canal

On occasion, a tooth will have damage that involves the nerve and blood supply. This can be caused by decay, infection, a crack, fracture or trauma. In order to save the tooth, a root canal may be required. A root canal is typically performed using local anesthetic, but sedation is an option. The diseased pulp is removed leaving the roots and tooth structure around it intact. The small nerve space is then filled with a biocompatible filling material. After a root canal many teeth get more brittle and may need a crown to support and maintain normal function.

Schedule an Appointment

To learn more about our restorative services call (971) 484-1652, and schedule your appointment now!
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(971) 484-1652


Monday – 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday – 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday – 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Thursday – 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday – 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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